Fall flavors! Traditional cranberry sauce with the addition of Granny Smith apples. The pectin in the apples helps the sauce to set and brings another...
This is a quick and easy cranberry sauce recipe that will please the entire family. You will never buy canned cranberry sauce again! Prepare up to two...
This bright pink applesauce is simple enough for a weeknight supper and festive enough for special occasions. It's a favorite with my family and friends...
This is a variation on classic, fresh Ocean Spray® cranberry sauce! My grandma has made it for years and people who don't like cranberry sauce request...
Super easy and a huge hit! I make this spiced cranberry sauce every Thanksgiving and Christmas. Tart and spicy! The spices just add to the overall holiday...
Refreshingly sweet, tart and tangy - this recipe is incredibly easy and it's a great change of pace from the usual boring cranberry sauce. The flavor of...
This has been a 'trade secret' for years, but it's so good I decided to share it! It's everyone's favorite, and can even be poured over a block of cream...
This is a sweet (pear) sauce with a little kick (cranberry) in it; a wonderful chutney for just about any type of meat you can think of. This will be replacing...
This is my recipe for a very tasty and unique cranberry sauce. It was this recipe that converted my 'we only want the jellied sauce in can' family into...
This is my mother's recipe. Each year, she would make this for an auction. Her sauce usually sold for $12.00 an 8-ounce jar! Tastes best when it has had...
This recipe was graciously shared with me by a Jamaican friend, many years ago. It makes a delicious sauce, different from any other cranberry sauce I've...
This is my version of a cranberry relish that my mom made when I was a kid. If you can, make it 1 or 2 days in advance, as the flavors need to mellow a...
This is a delicious fruit-filled version of cranberry sauce. The pomegranate is cooked separately to facilitate seed removal, then both parts are combined...
This zesty sauce is a favorite of all our family and friends. It's simple to make, and good with the turkey or on leftover turkey or chicken sandwiches....
This is a recipe my boss handed down to me, and I have made these cranberries for every Christmas and Thanksgiving for the last 10 years. I always pour...
The warmth of the ginger and cloves and the brightness of the orange zest come together to make this a family favorite! You can use frozen cranberries...
A quick, simple, and delicious variation on cranberry sauce. This cranberry sauce is enriched with the wonderful flavor blend of fresh ginger and cinnamon...
Running out of time but not of flavor? Try this quick and easy homemade cranberry sauce, made in minutes in your Instant Pot®, that would make any chef...
Great semisweet recipe for those who prefer less white sugar in their cranberry sauce. The blueberries and raspberries give it an added flair. Great on...
This cranberry sauce has extra spices, diced fruits, and orange juice added to make it more exciting than plain old cranberries. Everyone always loves...
This wonderful and simple cranberry sauce is my grandmother's recipe. We had it every year at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I predict you will have people...
You can use this for a quick healthy snack or serve it up at any meal. It's incredibly quick and easy and there's no worrying about calories. The best...
A family recipe we have used for years. We love it as a side dish to our turkey on Thanksgiving day. Also goes well on chicken, pork, and beef. Makes a...
I've been making these cranberries for nearly 30 years. It's the first thing I prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I make them the weekend before so...